Thursday, January 19, 2012

Levin: A Post-Constitutional America

Radio personality Mark Levin tells Sean Hannity, "we are living in a post-constitutional America."
Much of what goes on in the federal government has no constitutional basis whatsoever. This was part of a scheme, real scheme hatched by a number of leftists about a century ago. And you know them. Woodrow Wilson. Woodrow Wilson didn't make any bones about his contempt for the declaration and individualism and that's what this is, an attack on the individual. He made no bones about his contempt for the Constitution. Woodrow Wilson said in a speech before he became president that the government is like a body, you can't have one organ working against the other. In other words, you can't have separation of powers. So he spent his presidency, as did subsequent Democrats, trying to evade the Constitution or rewrite it.

FDR, of course, did the same thing. FDR attacked the Constitution. And Cass Sunstein, who now works for Obama, he made the point that we now live under FDR's Constitution. You know what that means? A powerful centralized government, exactly what the framers of the Constitution rejected.
"'Ameritopia' is here," Levin warns. "The question is how far are we going to go with this?" He ends the book with a question: "So my fellow countrymen, what do you choose, Ameritopia or America?"

The book is Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America.

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