Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Dressing for Success ... or Not

"Women will be future leaders, too," writes Dr. Melissa Clouthier, "and I was dismayed to see how many of them either looked frumpish or like two-bit whores" at the recent CPAC conference in DC. In a blog post entitled CPAC: The Jersey Shore-ification of Our Young People, she continues:
Women, if you’re at a conference where you’re learning to be a future politician or wish to succeed in the business of politics, dress the part. No, you don’t have to be in a business suit with pearls. However, modesty is a minimum. So:
1. No cleavage. That’s right. Cover that up. I say “no” in absolutist terms because women will show a tiny bit and that’s okay, but really, in a business environment where ideas are the priority, a dude thinking about your ta-tas is counter-productive.
2. Skirts no more than three finger-widths above the knee. Why do I even have to write this? Well, because someone is allowing these girls out of the house with mini-skirts that reveal too much.
3. Save the stilettos for Saturday night on a date with your boyfriend.
4. Bend at the knee. No, I don’t want to see your butt.

It is disheartening that these ideas even need to be written about, but clearly they do. If, at the number one conservative conference of the year, young men and women are looking and acting like the cast of Jersey Shore, it’s time to reset the compass.
UPDATE: Laura Donovan defends female CPACers here.

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