Friday, November 9, 2012

What will Mainstream Media Do Now?

With the election over, MSM will now be forced to report serious issues they largely covered up during the campaign. IBD lists a few of the stories MSM will soon "discover."

The economy really does stink.
The press studiously ignored the ongoing economic catastrophe under Obama, while parading any "green shoot" they could find that suggested growth was around the corner.

Don't be surprised if, after the election, they start to notice that three years of subpar growth have left the middle class further behind and more mired in poverty, and created a vast pool of long-term unemployed.
Massive debt and entitlement crisis loom.
Despite four straight years of $1 trillion-plus deficits and a national debt that now exceeds total GDP, the media largely treated the debt crisis with a collective yawn.

Ditto the looming bankruptcy of Medicare and Social Security. These crises are nevertheless real and will have to be dealt with soon, a fact the press will almost certainly acknowledge after Nov. 6.
The debt ceiling is fast approaching.
The Treasury Dept. warned last week that it expects the government to reach its borrowing limit before the end of the year. Congress and the White House will have to deal with that just as they're trying to avoid the fiscal cliff.
ObamaCare is fundamentally flawed.
Reports are sure to appear pointing out the law's lack of cost controls, its adverse impact on doctors and hospitals, and the fact that, after spending $1.76 trillion, it will still leave 30 million uninsured.
Obama's deficit cutting plan won't work.
The press let the president get away with one of the biggest whoppers yet — that his tax hikes on "the rich" would be enough to pay for his spending binge and bring down the deficit $4 trillion. Obama's own budget proved this wasn't the case. And after the election, you can bet the media will be "shocked" to find that his numbers didn't add up.
Questions about Benghazi still remain.
After almost two full months spent burying the Benghazi story, expect the mainstream press to wake up and notice that, as the Washington Post admitted in an editorial last Friday, "a host of unanswered questions" remains. So far, only Fox News has bothered to pursue this story, but we expect that other outlets will pick up on it after the elections.

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