Thursday, January 16, 2014

Youth Vote: A Millennial Speaks

"In the past year, failed policies and broken promises have caused Millennials to become increasingly disillusioned with the Obama administration, causing a shift on the political spectrum to the right among young voters," writes conservative University of Arizona student Julianne Stanford at

The "never-ending economic recession" heads her to-do list for those wanting to capitalize on Millennial discontent. "They shoulder massive student loan debts and dismal job prospects."

Second, "offer viable suggestions to reverse the damage done to Millennials by the Affordable Care Act..."

Third, get with it in getting their message out. "This means candidates must use mediums that appeal to young voters, such as social networking, targeted advertisement, and hitting the pavement to meet voters in person."

Last, dump the "stodgy old men with sinister ties to big business" image, and find messengers that appeal to Millennials.

Millennials are presenting a great opportunity, she argues, and it shouldn't be squandered.

Read her full article.

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