Monday, March 31, 2014

IBD: OCare Exposes Lies About Uninsured

From Investor's Business Daily:
The truth is that Democrats had been misleading the country about the uninsured for decades, mischaracterizing who they were, exaggerating their plight, and grossly inflating their numbers.

ObamaCare is now exposing this fraud for all to see.

Of the 46 million who supposedly lacked insurance, for example, more than 40% were either eligible for Medicaid, enrolled in Medicaid, or weren't U.S. citizens. ObamaCare helps none of these groups.

Of the rest, they are predominantly young and in good health. Most of their intervals spent without insurance are relatively short and a significant portion have incomes over $50,000, which means they aren't eligible for ObamaCare subsidies.

Meanwhile, just 5% said they were refused insurance because of poor health or age, according to a Kaiser survey. Most cited cost as the barrier.

But while ObamaCare claims to solve the first problem through its guaranteed issue requirement, it largely fails to fix the cost problem. Even with subsidies, ObamaCare's inflated premiums are still unaffordable for many uninsured.

In fact, the McKinsey survey found that more than half of the uninsured who shopped for an ObamaCare plan cited cost as the reason for not buying one.

There are better, more targeted, and far less expensive ways than ObamaCare to help those who truly need it. ... But getting these done means first being honest with the public about just who the uninsured really are.

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