Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Barone: Information-Age Millennials

Social historian and political trend analyst Michael Barone writes:
The Harvard Institute of Politics has just released its latest survey of Millennials, and reports that among those who say they would definitely vote this year, 51 percent would prefer a Republican-run Congress and 47 percent a Democratic-run Congress. In contrast, in 2010, the IOP poll of Millennials showed that 43 percent favored a Republican-run Congress and 55 percent a Democratic-run Congress. [snip]

This is an information-age generation that wants to customize its own world, that seeks ways to earn success by drawing on their own particular interests and talents. The Obama Democrats have advanced industrial-age policies that have centralized experts making decisions for large masses of people who are treated as identical and very small cogs in a very large machine. That has seemed to me a bad fit. Evidently many Millennials are starting to feel the same way.

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