Two years ago, America was importing about two thirds of its oil. Today, it imports less than half. And by 2017, the US could be poised to pass Saudi Arabia and overtake Russia as the world's largest oil producer. So reports National Public Radio in New Boom Reshapes Oil World.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
A Big Blow to Man-Made Climate Change Theory
Environmental extremists who prey on fears of a man-made climate change Armageddon have been busted ... by hard science published in Nature, the world's most prestigious scientific journal. "New, convincing evidence," writes Lawrence Solomon, "indicates global warming is caused by cosmic rays and the sun -- not humans."
A Yale Student Defends Life
"Welcome to Yale, a university that values tolerance and diversity," writes sophomore Elizabeth Gray Henry in the Yale Daily News, adding, "Well, as long as you have the correct beliefs..." Miss Henry does an outstanding job of defending her beliefs about abortion in the article and calls for an open, tolerant dialogue on both sides. Read the article.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Constituent defends 2012 'Calendar Girl'
It's always gratifying to see strong conservative women leaders supported, so hat's off to constituent Robert Murfitt, who heartily defends Congresswoman Ann Marie Buerkle against a verbal assault by a liberal in a letter to the editor of a Brighton NY newspaper. He begins with this, and refutes the liberal's complaints point by point.
Congresswoman Ann Marie Buerkle is a threat to the left and they have painted a large target on her back for defeat in 2012. This effort has been reenergized by the fact that she was recently added to the Claire Booth Luce 2012 Calendar of the most conservative women. After only seven months in office, she shares the other 11 months with the likes of Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, Michele Bachmann and Monica Crowley. This drives the left crazy.Haven't gotten your 2012 calendar yet? Order it here.
Monday, September 19, 2011
President's Deficit Plan: $1.5 Trillion in Taxes & Fees
"It's not just millionaires who'd pay more under President Barack Obama's latest plan to combat the deficit," reports the Associated Press. Airline passengers, for example, would see federal fees doubled to $10 per trip, tripled to $15 by 2017. And new mortgage applicants would pay an additional fee—averaging $15 per month for the life of the mortgage—for the care and feeding of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
One AP reader summed the plan up well: "So millionaires will be taxed, the rest of us will just pay fees."
One AP reader summed the plan up well: "So millionaires will be taxed, the rest of us will just pay fees."
Gardasil Mandate Blesses Sexual Freedom...for 9-Year-Olds!
Read the rest.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Lulli: A Student's Perspective on Obamacare
New US Oil, Gas Drilling = 1 Million New Jobs, $800 Billion New Revenue
A new study released this month is sure to fuel the debate over US domestic energy policy. The graphic-rich report shows the extent to which current US energy policies are cheating Americans of domestic oil and natural gas resources, as well as the jobs and government revenues that come with them. Key results of the study are:
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Turner: Obama's Strategy of Silence on Obamacare
Saturday, September 10, 2011
KT McFarland: 9/11 Lesson-We Are Never Powerless
In Remembrance:
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Angry, Jobless 20-Somethings
The Atlantic magazine recently solicited readers' comments on the "one thing people didn't understand or appreciate about looking for work," and some of the responses were published in a four-part Labor Day special report: The Future of Work.
One article offers helpful insights from employers on navigating the job search process. Another article, What It's Like to Be Jobless in Your 20s, sparked so much response that the Atlantic this week published "a second round of the most passionate, indignant and poignant" comments from (or about) Millennials under the headline, The 'Mad As Hell' Millennial Generation. Some are truly heartbreaking; others just bitter rants.
One article offers helpful insights from employers on navigating the job search process. Another article, What It's Like to Be Jobless in Your 20s, sparked so much response that the Atlantic this week published "a second round of the most passionate, indignant and poignant" comments from (or about) Millennials under the headline, The 'Mad As Hell' Millennial Generation. Some are truly heartbreaking; others just bitter rants.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
To Improve Economy, Think Cellphones
Finally! A short simple economics lesson even a liberal can understand from Herb Meyer at
Imagine that you have a new cell phone, and you ask me how to make a call. I tell you to punch in a phone number, then rub the phone against your leg and fling it against the wall. Did your call go through? No? Okay, I say, now try it again -- but this time fling your phone harder. Your call still didn't go through? Would you like to try it a third time? Or have you finally figured out that I have no idea what I'm talking about; that if you keep listening to me you're going to break your phone...
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