The president is trying to hide from his "signature achievement" in the hope that the revolt against the unpopular health care overhaul that swept conservatives into power across the country in November 2010 isn't repeated in 2012, writes Grace-Marie Turner. If the law is left in place, the American people will get a shocking awakening in 2014 when...
…they are facing a mandate to purchase health insurance policies that will be one of the most expensive items in their family budget.
…job creation continues to stall because employers are reluctant to hire workers due to federal mandates, fines, and even higher health costs.
…businesses have to find out their employees' household income so they can avoid $3,000 per-employee annual fines.
…states find that adequately funding schools, roads, and police protection is almost impossible because dramatically expanded Medicaid costs are crushing their budgets.
…when hospital emergency rooms are still flooded with patients but funds for this "uncompensated care" are vanishing.
...tens of millions more line up for subsidized health insurance, adding $1 trillion or more to the cost of the law.
…and taxpayers realize that estimates of the cost of Obamacare were dramatically understated, with more and more deficit-financed dollars poured into an unreformed health care system.
Conservatives can't let "Obamacare slip to a second-tier issue in the political debate. The threatens to our liberty, our economy, and our future prosperity could not be greater." Read the
full article.
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