EBT—the ATM-like federal welfare Electronic Benefits Transfer cash card—was "intended to provide poor peope with food stamps and cash assistance for basic necessities,"
reports Michelle Malkin. "If the idea was to eliminate the embarrassment of life on the dole, the social justice crowd succeeded phenomenally." EBTs are welcome everywhere. She documents a few of the abuses:
- NY - EBTs routinely used at bars, porn shops and liquor stores;
- Colorado - $40,000 worth of taxpayer dollars taken out at liquor stores; and more used in amusement parks, Disneyland, Universal Studios, and Las Vegas;
- California - $70 million in EBT funds were withdrawn outside the state, including $12 million in Las Vegas; and
- Government workers in Connecticut, Indiana, Iowa and Wisconsin nabbed in EBT fraud rings and schemes.
Illegal food stamp use costs taxpayers about $750 million a year, according to the Department of Agriculture. "With food stamp rolls exploding...EBT has taken on a whole new meaning: Exploitation of Broke Taxpayers."
Read her full article,
EBT Abuse: The Cash-for-Drunkards Program
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