"Let’s be clear that pro-aborts and pro-lifers differ on far more than
technicalities about when life begins. They differ about what life is,"
writes Star Parker.
20-week baby in utero (WEBMD) |
In the state of Pennsylvania, where Gosnell was doing his dirty
business, abortion is legal until the developing child is 24 weeks - 6
months - old. Among Gosnell’s many transgressions was performing
abortions after 24 weeks.
But Planned Parenthood, and their guest speaker, our president,
oppose that 24-week limit. They believe abortion should be legal until
the child is born.
Justice Kennedy, who wrote the [Partial Birth Abortion Ban] decision, included a description of one of these procedures on a 26-week-old infant. It takes a certain deadening of the heart, of the soul to read the description of the little baby clasping his fingers and toes as the doctor jams his scissors into his skull, and still believe this should be permitted.
Since Roe v Wade, we’ve given birth to a new materialistic culture of narcissism where reverence for life itself is gone. Life has become a commodity and people use each other as cavalierly as they destroy innocent young life.
As our reverence for life has diminished, so has our reverence for the institutions that surround and support it.
Scholars at the Brookings Institution observed in 1996 that Roe v Wade contributed to the collapse of marriage and the dramatic increase in out-of-wedlock births. The idea that children were part of a sacred institution called marriage started disappearing.
The sense of honor, the sense of shame disappears in this culture of self.
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