Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and Barack Obama first embraced Syria's Bashar al-Assad as a 'reformer' to be wooed and won. When Assad embarrassed them, liberals called for Assad to be ousted (which made Al Qaeda very happy) and Obama made a very foolish public threat setting 'a red line' about Assad's use of chemical weapons on his own people.

Backed into a corner, Obama let it be known he was ready to insert American cruise missiles into Syria's civil war between Assad-the-tyrant and Al Qaeda-the-uprisers.
Finding no international partners to stand with him (Britain's Parliament voted 'no involvement' last week), Obama now wants Congress to vote yea or nay on military force in Syria.
GOP Senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham believe the U.S.'s reputation is on the line, but Americans aren't persuaded and a plurality/majority (depending on the poll) doesn't want U.S. intervention. With the ineptitude of Obama, Clinton and Kerry on full display, it seems few Americans on the left or right are willing to invest American blood to save their liberal faces.
This weekend as Victor Davis Hanson asked Now What?, liberal anti-war protesters picketed John Kerry's townhouse in Boston.
Unions and Obamacare—
Labor unions that fought mightily to enact Obamacare are bitterly upset that the liberal healthcare takeover is biting them in the arse, specifically in their members' work hours and 'Cadillac' healthcare plans.
In July, the AFL-CIO and two other unions "sent a scorching letter to the White House demanding Obamacare be changed before it permanently destroys the 40-hour work week."
This weekend, this headline: "Bloodbath: 40,000 Union Members Leave AFL-CIO Over Obamacare."
Liberal chickens coming home to roost!
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