Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Flynn: Progressives Took Our Booze

Progressives have an unquenchable desire to rule other peoples' lives. Today it's Obamacare. Nearly 100 years ago, it was Prohibition; and that didn't turn out well for them either.
Eighty years ago today [Dec 5th], progressives woke up groggy after their fourteen-year bender in state-imposed sobriety.  ... In the throes of a throbbing political hangover, they blamed the disaster on everybody but themselves.

Progressives may remain oblivious to their boorish behavior when they crashed the party and stayed for 13 years, 10 months, 19 days, 17 hours, 32 minutes, and 30 seconds (surely parched Americans marked the days as though trapped on a desert island). But Americans need not indulge their collective amnesia on today’s anniversary.

Eight decades later, progressives, inebriated by the righteousness of their ideology, blame everyone else for the sins of their forefathers. Projecting one’s errors upon others ensures a repetition of those errors. This may not today manifest itself in relation to alcohol. But the crusading spirit to sterilize their fellow man of impurities — of tobacco and transfats, Big Gulps and Big Macs, and so many delights that make life worth living — surely remains.
Read Daniel J. Flynn's full article, Progressives Took Our Booze: 80 Years Ago Today Americans Took it Back, at the American Spectator.

We can only hope Obamacare goes down in equally glorious flames.

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