"Let's all be very clear,"
writes DC attorney Cleta Mitchell, who has represented dozens of groups before the IRS over the years. "The FBI did not conduct an 'investigation' into the IRS scandal. Not unless there are new protocols for investigating potential unlawful activities which discard the quaint notion of speaking to the victims."
- What did the FBI do in terms of investigating the obvious lies to
Congress in 2012 by assorted IRS officials who claimed there was 'no
targeting' of conservative organizations? Last time I checked, it is a
felony to lie to Congress (ask Roger Clemens).
- Did the FBI investigate why Catherine Engelbrecht in Houston was
visited by the FBI seven times, was audited by the IRS both personally
and in her family business, was visited by OSHA and ATF (twice), all
within 18 months of her filing exempt organization applications with the
IRS for two conservative groups?
- Did the FBI investigate whether there were illegal political
considerations related to the audits of conservative organizations and
donors nationwide — and the correlation of that widespread abuse of
conservative citizens to the targeting of the conservative
In short, how can there be any semblance of legitimacy to an investigation when none of the victims were even interviewed?
Cleta Mitchell, pictured above with Institute president Michelle Easton (L), was the Institute's
2013 Woman of the Year.
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