Here's the projected demographic mix necessary to make Obamacare financially viable, according to Kaiser's break down of the total universe of the uninsured:

Here's the actual demographic mix of Obamacare enrollees, using official Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services data of people who had signed up as of Dec 28, 2013:

Obamacare's demographic mix would appear to be as disastrous as its website rollout. Concludes
Children and the middle age groups hit their target precisely, but the 55-and-up crowd is double the estimate — 33% of enrollment, or double the Kaiser estimated representation. Th[is] means every missing youngster is being replaced by grandma. That could be very expensive.In other news, talk of a taxpayer-funded bailout of insurance companies begins, to which the National Review editors respond, "hell, no."
Unlike the Wall Street bailouts, the insurance bailouts are not a one-time expedient instituted in the face of a crisis: They represent an open-ended claim on taxpayers’ resources and a transfer of risk from private, profit-seeking enterprises onto the government. Together, the provisions represent an important part of the Democrats’ agenda for transforming what we know as insurance companies into semi-public utilities managed by central planners in Washington. ...
It is a fight worth having — and if that fight should continue into November, the American public should be invited to take the opportunity to weigh in on whether it wishes to be permanently committed to future bailouts of large financial firms that use political favoritism to pass off their losses. We suspect that many Americans will find themselves quoting John Boehner, whether they realize it or not: Hell, no.
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