Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Dunn: Obama is Bursting the Left's Bubbles

Conservatives live adult-like in a world as it is. Liberals live child-like in a world of their dreams, and Obama is bursting the left's bubbles, writes J.R. Dunn.
Everyone, without exception, lives in a bubble, an area of individual consciousness made up of education, experience, and worldview. ...

But left-wing intellectual bubbles have been cold, desolate places since the Reagan era. With the catastrophe of the Great Society, the undeniable success of Reaganism, and at last the collapse of the USSR, leftist illusions were shattered, leaving little but blasted dreams and bitterness,  expressed as PC and related programs that amounted to little more than gestures of revenge.

Then came Obama, who brought it all back to life again.
Under Obama, however, Leftists' glorious dreams have turned to nightmares, and Dunn cites several examples: the military 'illusion', foreign policy, the 'surveillance state', 'climate change', and government-run health care.
The best way to undermine leftism is to let it operate for awhile. Expose the country at large to the nightmare realities of life under a Lyndon Johnson, a Jimmy Carter, or an Obama, and you will inoculate the citizenry for a generation to come.

This is occurring. We are seeing the utter collapse of the leftism program as it exists in the U.S., a collapse merely intensified and sped up by the fact that the Messiah has cut every corner and broken every rule of American governance. His abuse of pen and phone have so far produced only chaos. There is no reason to believe the next two years will be any different.

And all those bubbles?  They’ll begin to dim and cool down once again. The inhabitants -- the millions of true-believing Birkenstock wearers across the country -- will attempt to keep their spirits up with tales of betrayal and racism, but it won’t last. Eventually they will reach the same state they were in before Obama ever appeared. There they will remain, because the one thing Obama will have done is reinforce the legend of a leftist rebirth. These people will now never emerge into a real America. Instead they will wait for the appearance of a true messiah, sleeping until Der Tag in the same manner as Charlemagne or Barbarossa.

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